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Decarbonising the asphalt repair industry

Sustainability is at the heart of everything we do, from our offices and factory to our machines and vehicles, we are always looking to lower our carbon emissions and environmental footprint.

Our low emission asphalt defect and pothole repair process offers carbon emission savings of more than 85%, compared to traditional methods.

Our process is zero waste so no need for landfill or additional asphalt.


We don't cut out excess asphalt, everything is recycled in-situ.

We only need 1 self contained vehicle, reducing impact on the road users and additional movements from other vehicles.

Our vehicle is fitted with solar panels to harness energy for our heaters and the vehicle itself.

Our heaters are fitted with solar panels and are biofuel enabled, to reduce their carbon footprint.

Low Carbon Emissions infographic

Our extensive R&D program is always looking at how we can improve processes, adopt the latest technology and ultimately benefit the environment.

We currently harness clean energy sources to help strive to become a net zero company using the likes of solar power and biogas.

We also look at streamlining our processes so that our impact is further reduced.

Some of our key benefits include:

Solar power

1 vehicle

Zero waste

No cutting or breaking

Bio gas

3 person crew

Recycled material

Reduced vehicle movements

Minimal road closure and impact

Right-first-time so no repeat visits

Reduce carbon footprint

Asphalt IQ

We are also one of the few asphalt repair companies who can quantify and measure our carbon emissions for our work, via a reputable independent source.

We have partnered with Asphalt IQ, a company established to provide accessible, automated, digital, carbon management data solutions to the highways surfacing industry.

Using their Smart A-Tag, coupled with their Carbon IQ app, we are able to calculate the carbon emissions for a particular geolocated piece of work. This not only allows for Thermal Road Repairs to prove our low carbon emissions, but it also allows an audit trail for our partners to aid in adherence to PAS 2080:2023.

Asphalt IQ
Asphalt IQ

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